
Project Funding I Performing Arts Touring

Arts NSW

Performing Arts Touring Funding supports projects that provide access to performing arts programs to audiences living in regional NSW.

Funding supports the net costs of touring a professional production to regional NSW and the costs of delivering associated community engagement activities at regional NSW locations. It is available for a tour to at least two regional destinations in one year or a multiyear program of touring to at least three regional destinations in each year. Read more

  • Categories: Performing Arts, Touring
  • Open To: Organisations

Visions of Australia I Regional Exhibition Touring Fund

Ministry for the Arts

Supports Australian cultural material to reach regional and remote communities across Australia. Grants are available to support the costs to develop and tour exhibitions of cultural material that has historic, scientific, design, social or artistic significance. There is no limit on the amount that can be requested. Read more

  • Categories: Touring, Visual Arts
  • Open To: Organisations

Playing Australia: Regional Performing Arts Touring Fund

Australia Council for the Arts

The Regional Performing Arts Touring program supports performing arts to reach regional and remote communities across Australia. Grants are available to support the net touring costs associated with a national tour. There is no limit on the amount that can be requested. Read more

  • Categories: Performing Arts, Touring
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations

Contemporary Music Touring Program

Australia Council for the Arts

Supports national touring activity undertaken by Australian musicians performing original contemporary music. It provides travel support of up to $15,000 for artists and their manager for tours in Australia that include performances in regional and remote areas. Up to an additional $15,000 can be requested for tours that meet the conditions for TRAX funding. Read more

  • Categories: Music, Touring
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations

Indent Development Grants

Music NSW

Suggested types of events include: youth stages at community festivals, all ages regional tours, events mentorship programs and workshops, music events that attract professional musicians, etc.

  • Level 1 Event Development Grants for grants up to $2500
    If this is the first time you’re applying for an Indent grant, then this is the grant for you.
  • Level 2 Event Development Grants for grants up to $5000
    If your Indent team has previously received an Indent Grant (Grassroots or Event Development) 

 Read more

  • Categories: Festivals, Music, Touring
  • Open To: Organisations

Opportunity Development Grant

Music NSW

This program is aimed at supporting musicians and artist managers in developing opportunities whilst attending Australian industry conferences, domestic tours, trade fairs and other career defining opportunities in 2016, such as Bigsound, Face The Music, Electronic Music Conference, AWME and more.

Artists and artist managers are invited to apply for one off funding of up to $850 per member of the touring party, with a total limit of $5500 per group. Read more

  • Categories: Music, Touring