performing arts

Performers' Trust Foundation

Phonographic Performance Company of Australia

Promotes and encourages music and the performing arts. Can cover tuition fees, travel costs, accommodation, venue /PA hire for performances at concerts, scholarships, promotion of the performing arts to the general public, assistance to appropriate beneficiaries.  Applications are assessed by trustees four times a year. Read more

  • Categories: Music, Performing Arts
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations

Project Funding - Performing Arts Touring

Arts NSW

Performing Arts Touring Funding supports projects that provide access to performing arts programs to audiences living in regional NSW.

Funding supports the net costs of touring a professional production to regional NSW and the costs of delivering associated community engagement activities at regional NSW locations. It is available for a tour to at least two regional destinations. Read more

  • Categories: Performing Arts, Touring
  • Open To: Organisations

The National Folk Fellowship

National Library of Australia

The National Folk Fellowship is offered in partnership with the National Folk Festival, and supports folk musicians, singers, dancers, poets, performance artists, or collector-performers to develop a project based on the Library’s original folklore and related collections, with a performance at the following National Folk Festival. Read more

  • Categories: Dance, Multicultural, Music, Performing Arts, Theatre
  • Open To: Individuals

Peace Foundation Grants

Graham F. Smith Peace Trust Inc

Applications are invited from artists and community art organisations within Australia for art projects that support peace and justice through the arts. Read more

  • Categories: Performing Arts, Visual Arts
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations

International Residencies - New York

Australia Council for the Arts

The International Residencies Program enables the artistic and market development of individual artists and groups. Residencies are available for set periods of time in key international locations. Read more

  • Categories: Music, Performing Arts, Technology
  • Open To: Individuals

NSW Young Regional Artist Scholarships

Arts NSW

The scholarships are offered by the State Government to support young artists from regional NSW to undertake a self-directed professional development program or project in their chosen field. Read more

  • Categories: All Artforms / General, Dance, Literature, Music, Performing Arts, Technology, Theatre, Visual Arts
  • Open To: Individuals

Playing Australia: Regional Performing Arts Touring Fund

Australia Council for the Arts

The Regional Performing Arts Touring program supports performing arts to reach regional and remote communities across Australia. Grants are available to support the net touring costs associated with a national tour. There is no limit on the amount that can be requested. Read more

  • Categories: Performing Arts, Touring
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations

PWA lab

Playwriting Australia

Playwrights have an essential role to play in all kinds of performance. The PWA Lab is a week-long workshop opportunity encouraging artists to examine the possibilities of including playwrights in innovative processes, aiming to bring the unique skills of a writer to an ever-widening theatre-making practice. Read more

  • Categories: Literature, Performing Arts, Theatre
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations

Innovating Dance Practice Grants

AusDance NSW

The grant provides assistance to realise an opportunity that inspires new work, knowledge and skills, for example: program of activity that develops your professional practice, secondment with an organisation, mentorship with an individual, or residencies involving innovative approaches to your working practice. Read more

  • Categories: Dance, Performing Arts
  • Open To: Individuals, Organisations