M&G NSW Fellowships, Mentorships and Volunteer Placements
Museums and Galleries of NSW are providing the opportunity for professional development for people who work or volunteer in the museum and gallery sector.
Fellowships are available for senior level employees, Mentorships are available for emerging or mid-level employees, and volunteer placements are available for gallery or museum volunteers.
Fellowships offer senior staff from NSW museums and galleries the opportunity to undertake a placement at an international cultural organisation. Up to $6,000 is available to spend two weeks at the host organisation of your choice, or at either the Dallas Museum of Art in the USA or the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea.
Mentorships are a valuable professional development opportunity for emerging and mid-level museum and gallery staff to spend two weeks with a state, national or smaller, more specialised organisation. Applicants can choose to spend two-weeks at the Art Gallery of NSW (AGNSW), Australian Museum or Sydney Living Museums. Applicants can also arrange their own placement host. In 2018, M&G NSW will offer up to $3,000 for each Mentorship placement.
The Volunteer Placement Program is a great opportunity for anyone giving their time and expertise to a small or volunteer managed museum, or Aboriginal cultural centre in NSW. Volunteers can choose to be placed in the following organisations; Albury LibraryMuseum, Australian Museum, Hurstville Museum & Gallery, and the State Archives and Records of NSW. Or applicants can arrange a placement with an organisation of their own choice. In 2018 up to $1,000 is available for each Volunteer Placement.
For more information and to apply visit the Museums and Galleries NSW website.
Image: M&GNSW