Save the Date - Dream Big is back!
For the 5th time the Riverina’s top annual conference for arts and culture 'Dream Big' will take place in our region. On the 8th of September we invite all artists, culture makers and community leaders to join us at the Leeton Roxy Theatre.
"It's a rewarding day of sharing stories with leading professionals and networking within the many artistic communities in the Riverina," said Derek Motion of Western Riverina Arts.
Once again the line up features art professionals and artists speaking on how to cultivate the arts in our region. Designed for anyone involved in cultural, community and economic development; for established and aspiring artists; tourism operators, progress associations, and community groups, Dream Big, informs a diverse audience, and encourages big ideas.
The collaboration between Western Riverina Arts and Eastern Riverina Arts is now in its fifth year and the conference will be held in Leeton for the first time. Registrations for the day will open SOON and we will keep you informed on how our program for the day is shaping up.