Tricks and treats at Lillypilly Winery this Halloween

Leeton’s Lillypilly Winery is teaming up with local musician Jason Richardson to host a Halloween party from 7pm on Saturday 31 October.

“It’ll be fun for all ages with creative pursuits, music and a spooky story,” said Mr Richardson.

“Traditionally it’s the time of year when spirits visit our world and Lillypilly are very kindly offering a complementary wine tasting for visiting adults, which should help raise spirits.”

The event will provide a venue for people who want to dress-up to mark the occasion.

“As a parent I know how much kids want to get into a costume and roam the streets in search of sugar. It got me thinking that it would be much better to provide an event where families could gather and share the thrill.”

Entertainment will include stories, hands-on activities, a movie and more.

“In previous years I’ve screened a silent movie in town as well as projecting my music videos and the film for this event will bring together both, with a silent film suitable for kids that I’ve created a soundtrack from music written and recorded in the last year or so.”

‘The Lost World’ is a classic film from 1925 that is based on a novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, better known for writing the Sherlock Holmes stories. It’s remarkable for being the first feature to use stop-motion animation, as well as being the first film to be shown to airline passengers.

“I’m also looking forward to telling people about the troll that once lived in Leeton,” said Mr Richardson. “It’s a little-known fact that he was directly responsible for the creation of Fivebough Wetland.”

Learn more at Lillypilly Winery from 7pm on 31 October.

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