Sketchy addition to local festival

Western Riverina Arts ask that people attending participating venues this October to sketch their experiences.

"As part of the TASTE Festival this year we've delivered coasters to Narrandera, Leeton and Griffith with instructions to draw something you've tasted in the Riverina," said Derek Motion, Regional Arts Development Officer.

"Please provide a quick sketch of something you've tasted in the Riverina. Use words if you prefer or perhaps a quill dipped in a local shiraz and just provide an outline of a local flavour."

The coasters will be collected for display at the end of the Festival.

Participating venues in Narrandera include the Eipper's farm and Trent's Coffeehouse, in Leeton at Pages on Pine and in Griffith at the Exies.

"Or visit Western Riverina Arts and collect a couple to take along with you to a TASTE Festival event and show us your flavour," said Mr Motion.

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