2024 CASP

2024 CASP


Applications for Country Arts Support Program (CASP) grants

Western Riverina Arts will be administering the Country Arts Support Program (CASP), a Create NSW initiative that supports a creative, vibrant and resilient NSW arts and cultural sector that engages with diverse audiences and communities. Groups, Not-for-profit organisations, and Local Government Authorities in the Leeton, Griffith, Narrandera and Murrumbidgee areas are encouraged to apply.

Accessibility, inclusion and support

If you require assistance with the guidelines or completing the application form, please contact us between 10am and 4pm Monday to Thursday. Please note that even though the day of the grant closure ends on a Sunday, Western Riverina Arts only offers CASP assistance within the nominated hours herein.

  • Mobile: 0428 882 059

  • Email: rado@westrivarts.com.au


To apply for funding, you will need to complete and submit the relevant application form through SmartyGrants.

All applicants are required to speak with a member of the Western Riverina Arts team prior to making an application. Please contact us between 10am and 4pm Monday to Thursday. Please note that even though the day of the grant closure ends on a Sunday, Western Riverina Arts only offers CASP assistance within the nominated hours herein.

  • Mobile: 0428 882 059

  • Email: rado@westrivarts.com.au


The Western Riverina Arts 2024 CASP grants are open to:

  • Groups (with a Nominated Funds Administrator/Auspicer*)

  • A Not-for-profit Incorporated Group

  • A Local Government Authority


Applications open: Friday 6th September 2024
Applications close: Sunday 27th October 2024 11:59pm
Projects are to be completed between 1st January and 31st December 2025


The Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is an annual small grants program funded by Create NSW and guided by their Cultural Funding Program’s three major objectives which are to: 

  • grow creative leadership and programming excellence in NSW

  • strengthen NSW arts and cultural activity that drives community and social benefits

  • showcase NSW as a leader for strategic arts and cultural governance and strong financial management

CASP is managed by the 15 Regional Arts Development Organisations across NSW.


CASP supports community arts and cultural development in regional NSW through small grants that: 

  • assist locally determined community arts and cultural activities

  • increase opportunities for regionally based groups to access a diverse range of arts and cultural programs

  • enable communities to explore and express their cultural identities

  • bring social and economic benefits to the community through training, employment and promotional opportunities

  • lead to greater awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity

  • increase the sustainability and resilience of regionally based community arts and cultural organisations.

Funding available

Funding of up to $3,000 is available to support the development of arts and cultural activities across the Western Riverina Local Government Areas of Griffith, Leeton, Murrumbidgee and Narrandera.

Project types

What will be funded? 

The Western Riverina Arts 2024 CASP grants may be used to support a range of arts and cultural activities. Examples include, but are not limited to:  

  • development of new works

  • workshops (including fees for workshop coordinators and support staff to run the workshop)

  • events (for example concerts or performances)

  • community projects

  • a piece of equipment or infrastructure (up to 50% of grant) that has wide or ongoing accessibility and benefit to the applicant’s community (examples could be a large screen tv or projector, a sound system, a printing press, plinths, movable partitions for art exhibitions, exhibition lighting, a PA, hangers and hooks).  

What will not be funded:

The Western Riverina Arts 2024 CASP will not fund applications that are not directly related to arts and culture and that do not demonstrate benefit to the Western Riverina community.  Funding is not available for: 

  • applications from individuals or Sole Traders

  • applications from Propriety Limited (‘for-profit’) companies

  • fees towards education or courses

  • staff salaries and wages for Local Government Authorities or Not-for-profit Incorporated Groups

  • equipment or infrastructure over 50% of grant.

  • recovering the costs of items and/or materials already purchased

  • fundraising, awards or prize money

  • projects that have already commenced or are completed

  • commercial enterprises

  • applicants outside of the Local Government Authority areas of Griffith, Leeton, Murrumbidgee and Narrandera.


To be eligible for a Western Riverina Arts 2024 CASP grant, the applicant will need to meet the following criteria:

1.     Applicant type:

  • Group

  • A Not-for-profit Incorporated Group

  • A Local Government Authority

The applicant must have an ABN or have a demonstrated relationship with a Nominated Funds Supervisor/Auspicor* that can auspice grant funds. 

2.     The applicant must be located in the Western Riverina area of NSW within one of the following Local Government Authority areas of: 

  • Griffith

  • Leeton

  • Murrumbidgee

  • Narrandera

3.     The application must be a clearly defined arts and cultural activity that benefits either the applicant or their community.

Who will assess the application?

Applications will be assessed by a panel of representatives from Western Riverina Arts Incorporated.

How will the application be assessed?

Applications will be assessed on their merit and positive impact on the creative development of the Western Riverina community.  

Application merit and support material:

The application should show how the arts and cultural activity meets the following criteria: 

  1. Merit

    • the artistic reason

    • what it is about

    • the reason for it

    • the team involved

    • the capacity to complete and deliver  

  2. Impact (benefit)

    The application should explain how the arts and cultural activity will benefit the applicant or the community.

  3. Viability:
    The application must show that the arts and cultural activity can be effectively managed by including the following:

    • project plan

    • timeline

    • budget

Support material:

The application will require:

  • letters of support from partners or referees that demonstrate partnership involvement, or articulate an identified need in the community

  • support material in either written form (files to attach), photographs or URL links

  • If you are applying as a Local Government Authority or a Not-for-profit Incorporated Organisation then include their public liability certificate of currency.

When will I know the outcome of my application?

You will be notified of the outcome of your application approximately 3-4 weeks from the Western Riverina Arts 2024 CASP closing date.

*Nominated Funds Administrator (Auspice)

What is a Nominated Funds Administrator/Auspicor? 

A Nominated Funds Administrator is an administrative body or third party that can receive and administer funds on your behalf if your group does not have an ABN.  You may be asked for a fee for this service and it is recommended that you include that fee in your project budget. The Nominated Funds Administrator must be either a government body, or a not-for-profit organisation based anywhere in NSW.

To receive CASP grant funds, the applicant must have an ABN or have a demonstrated Nominated Funds Administrator. If applicable, a Nominated Funds Administrator must be in place before any grant is contracted and before any funds are issued. Not having one at the time of application will not affect how your project is assessed.

If you already have a Nominated Funds Administrator, please include their name and ABN for the application.

Further information 

For further information on how to apply, or to discuss eligibility, please contact Aanya Whitehead between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Thursday: 

  • Telephone: 0428 882 059

  • Email: rado@westrivarts.com.au

August 2024 Artist of the Month Jason Richardson

August 2024 Artist of the Month Jason Richardson