Picture Perfect @ Pioneer Parks Action Day
Among the line-up of complementary workshops planned for Griffith Pioneer Park Museum's 'Action Day' this Good Friday will be photography classes from a local living legend.
Garry Bazzacco has been capturing the City of Griffith for over four decades and will offer assistance to beginners and intermediate photographers.
"The workshops will cater for all interested people, from the novice to the enthusiast, being fully beneficial for all those that participate," said Mr Bazzacco.
The first workshops in the morning will introduce an understanding of camera settings. "Using a camera is basically painting with light and, just as a painter will have different brushes to create effects, cameras have different settings that are good to know if you want to get a certain result."
The second workshop at 2pm will apply camera settings to outdoor photography at the Museum. "There's is so much action on Action Day that I expect we'll be able to explore the real-world application of a few photographic techniques."
"I feel this is a great opportunity for the community to take part, to learn, and to promote the variety of arts and crafts our City has to offer, and what a better location than at the Museum."
Jason Richardson, Pioneer Park Museum curator, said these workshops were an opportunity for visitors on Action Day to improve their skills with a camera.
"These days many people have devices that can record photographs and I expect many will be doing so on Good Friday, so this will contribute toward capturing another historic day at our community museum."
This Good Friday will be the 46th Action Day since Griffith Pioneer Park Museum opened in 1971. There will be a range of activities for all ages, including sand sculpting with Melanie Baulch and Richard Green, a print demonstration from Christina Reid, a cut-up poetry activity with Jo Roberts and much much more.
The Action Day workshops are supported by Arts NSW’s Country Arts Support Program, a devolved funding program administered by Regional Arts NSW and Western Riverina Arts on behalf of the NSW Government.