WRA Annual General Meeting and EOI Community Reps
Western Riverina Arts Inc. will hold its Annual General Meeting from 12pm, Tuesday 14th March at the Greengecko Garden Centre Art Studio, 638 Mackay Avenue, Griffith. Special guest speaker on the day will be Griffith Theatre & Gallery Manager, Raina Savage.
Members of Western Riverina Arts are eligible to nominate for Community Representative positions on the Board. This is a great way to have direct input into arts development in your region. If you are interested in getting involved with the management of Western Riverina Arts it is essential that you contact Executive Officer Derek Motion before the AGM to discuss the nomination process: rado@westrivarts.com.au or 0428882059
Western Riverina Arts is particularly seeking applications from new members to fill vacancies in Leeton and Griffith.
Nominations forms must be completed and received by 5pm Friday 7th March 2017.