Call for submissions - Growing up Aboriginal in Australia

Call for submissions - Growing up Aboriginal in Australia

Aboriginal people in Australia are defined by many stereotypes and labels: Good at footy and dot painting. Spiritual. Angry Activists. Living in remote communities. And then there’s a raft of negative and abusive terms.

But where do these labels come from and is there any truth to them? What is it like to grow up Aboriginal in Australia? Do you call yourself an Aboriginal Australian? An Australian Aborigine? Or do you identify as Indigenous, First Nations, Murri, Koori, Noongar or something else?

Black Inc. is calling for autobiographical accounts of growing up as an Aboriginal person in Australia for an anthology to be edited by Anita Heiss, author of Am I Black Enough for You? The pieces can be written in a wide range of styles, voices and tones, as long as they are original, honest and reflective; we are not looking for abstract or sociological treatments. The anthology will be aimed both at high school students and general readers. The submissions can deal with any aspect of growing up as a Blackfella, and must be engaging while providing insight into the diverse lives of Aboriginal people in Australia today. We are looking for voices that defy, question or shed light on the usual stereotypes.

Submissions should be between 800 and 3000 words in length and must be received by 1 May 2017. Late entries will not be accepted – Anita says we are not on Koori time. 

Please note: The authors of the works that are selected for inclusion in the anthology will be notified within 4 weeks of the closing date.

The anthology Growing up Aboriginal in Australia will be published by Black Inc. in early 2018.

Please send submissions by email to:


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