HIDDEN: Rookwood Cemetery Sculpture Walk 2017 - be part of it!
HIDDEN is an outdoor sculpture exhibition that takes place amongst the gardens and graves of Rookwood Cemetery.
The Trust is interested in exhibiting artworks that respond to themes surrounding the Rookwood site, such as history, culture, remembrance and love. This could include grief, loss, mourning, spirituality, the environment, and different cultural beliefs around burial and memorialisation.
This year, the trust is also interested in applications that are inspired by Rookwood Cemetery’s 150th anniversary. This may include (but not limited to) notions relating to Rookwood’s conception, development and evolution; cultural concepts specific to important eras within Rookwood’s history (e.g. the Victorian period); and the importance of commemorative events to celebrate love and life.
HIDDEN is open to a wide range of artistic approaches and artists can choose to approach the themes in a representational, conceptual, symbolic or abstract way. Artists may propose works yet to be made or existing works that relate to the exhibition themes.
- Artists selected into HIDDEN 2017 will receive $300 per artwork
- Artists whose artwork requires transporting from a distance over 500km may be eligible for an additional $200 payment
- Rookwood Cemetery Sculpture Award (non acquisitive) $10,000
- People’s Choice Award $500
- Artist at the Armory Award valued at $800
- Peacock Gallery and Auburn Art Studio Residency & Mentorship Award valued at $1000
Further information and application forms can be downloaded from www.hiddeninrookwood.com.au
HIDDEN: Rookwood Cemetery Sculpture Walk 2017
Celebrating 150 Years of the Sleeping City
Exhibition: 26 August – 24 September 2017
Call for Entries Open Until 13 March 2017