Music: Count Us In - One Song, Your School, More Music
Music: Count Us In is an Australian schools initiative, where students across the country get the chance to be a part of something BIG and celebrate music by singing the same song, on the same day, at the same time.
The goal is to encourage young people to become passionate about music and musical education and Music: Count Us In is inviting all Australian schools to get involved. All you need to do is register your school for free, learn this year’s song and join more than half a million kids for Celebration Day on Thursday November 3rd.
Music: Count Us In 2016 has now launched and gives teachers and student across the country the chance to be a part of it. The 2016 Program Song ‘Let It Play’ was written by students Stella Kelly (16, WA), Tom Meadows (11, VIC), Bonnie Staude (14, WA) and Breanna Truscott (14, QLD) along with the Program Ambassador and Mentor. (See the video above)
Working directly with schools and teachers, Music: Count Us In assists teachers in providing quality music education to Australian schools. The program is both a participation program and an advocacy program – raising the profile of music education on the national stage, and providing students with practical music learning.
Spurred on by a 2007 National School Music Review which pointed to glaring inadequacies in music education in schools, the report included a recommendation to raise the status of music in schools. Music: Count Us In was the response. It's purpose is to energise and engage teachers, principals, school communities, and families, and to provide quality music participation opportunities, available to all.
The program has exceeded expectations by extending into all states and territories, and connecting with schools of every shape and size. It is freely available to every student in the country.
Previous mentors for the program have included esteemed artists Katie Noonan, Josh Pyke, Marcia Hines, Clare Bowditch and Melinda Schneider; led by Program Ambassador John Foreman OAM.
Actor and singer Jay Laga’aia of ‘Play School’ fame joins Music: Count Us In this year as program mentor. “I’m really looking forward to seeing how people interpret the song. This is very much a story that you send to different communities and they come back with their versions of the story. To get together on that special Celebration Day and for everyone to sing it – for me, that’s going to be very exciting!”
For more information and to become involved please visit