Artlands Dubbo 2016 - the Aftermath
Watch our video "Artlands in a Nutshell" - because a picture says more than a thousand words!
For the first time in 14 years Australia’s largest regional arts conference, ARTLANDS, took place from the 27-30.10.16 in NSW. Over 1000 people attended the "Part Conference, Part Festival, All Arts” from the 27-30.10 in Dubbo and used the opportunity to network and share ideas with other artists or those employed in the arts sector.
For 4 days national and international keynote speakers examined three key themes within the arts sector: Regeneration, Connectedness and Emergence. Each theme explored contemporary issues, challenges and opportunities through research, exploration, debate and collaboration. The program featured more than 70 presenters.
Complementing the conference was the ARTLANDS Festival featuring a line-up of artists and performers right on the streets of Dubbo. Curated by festival director, Greg Pritchard, the program included well known musicians Heath Cullen, Mikelangelo, the Black Sea Gentlemen, Dave Mason. Brendan Gallagher and Radical Son.
Internationally acclaimed Curator Djon Mundine curated a new exhibition of work by regional NSW Aboriginal artists, Old Land New Marks, and regional physical theatre companies, FLiNG and Lingua Franca performed their latest works.
Artlands 2016 was organised by Regional Arts Australia and Regional Arts NSW with the assistance of Orana Arts and Dubbo Regional Council.
The biennial conference will take place next in 2018 in Victoria. Make sure you don't miss it!