Sydney Dance Company's Pre-Professional Year 2017 Auditions - Apply NOW

Sydney Dance Company's Pre-Professional Year 2017 Auditions - Apply NOW

Applications are now open for Sydney Dance Company's Pre-Professional Year 2017 Auditions.

This one year intensive offers students the chance to work with some of Australia's most renowned choreographers and dance educators, including Company dancers and Artistic Director Rafael Bonachela.

Sydney Dance Company’s Pre-Professional Year provides a unique opportunity for aspiring professional dancers to attend a one-year nationally accredited course with one of Australia’s leading contemporary dance companies.

Led by Course Director Linda Gamblin, the Pre-Professional program is designed to be rigorous, challenging and rich in practical skills development and professional career preparation while encouraging individualism and diversity. Students are provided with opportunities to explore the endless possibilities of contemporary dance, and fully immerse themselves into the role of a professional artist.

The course reflects Sydney Dance Company’s calibre of technical expertise and artistic innovation. Students will work with some of Australia’s most renowned choreographers and dance educators with a major performance opportunity at the end of the year. Students will develop their technique, artistry and performance skills alongside Sydney Dance Company in a professional environment.

The course will also provide students with invaluable networking opportunities with the artistic team from Sydney Dance Company, as well as leading Australian and international choreographers.

“Creating an environment that allows dancers to develop an understanding of their own individuality as a dancer and develop creative expression is intrinsic to the education outcomes of the course. We look forward to supporting you in your development as an artist.” Caroline Spence, Director of Education and Outreach, Sydney Dance Company.

Applications close 7 August 2016. Successful applicants will be invited to attend an 'invitation only' audition on 4 September 2016 at Sydney Dance Company Studios.

Find out more and apply


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