Textile Art Workshops by Nicole Barakat
From June to September the Cad Factory will be working with the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, along with artist Nicole Barakat, and community members to create a new installation artwork called "Shadow Places". It will be exhibited from 2 - 11 September to co-inside with Syndey Design that's held at the museum.
Sydney artist Nicole Barakat is coming to Narrandera to give three workshops in June and August for Shadow Places.
The workshops are open to people who like making textile work and want to challenge themselves by helping to create a new contemporary artwork.
All workshops are free.
Workshop 1
Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 June
Arts Hub Narrandera
10am - 4pm
Workshop 2
Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 June
Arts Hub Narrandera
10am - 4pm
Workshop 3
Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 August
Arts Hub Narrandera
10am - 4pm
**Please bring along to the first workshop**
- Objects, images or stories of something you consider to be ‘innovative’ - it can be something ordinary or extraordinary!
- Materials and/or tools that you connect with rural landscapes, ecology, agriculture
To book or ask any questions please contact Sarah on 0405 447 490 or sarah@cadfactory.com.au.