Get Creative - Weekend Art Workshop with Linda MacAulay
The Taste Coleambally - Food and Farm Festival and its fantastic opportunities for regional artists are still another 150 days away. However who doesn’t want to wait that long can get creative right now and sign up for a weekend art workshop with Taste Coleambally - Food and Farm Festival guest artist Linda MacAulay.
Linda is a full time artist for over 25 years and will bring a wealth of artistic expertise to the Coleambally Community Hall on June Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th, 2016 from 10am – 4pm daily.
If you are interested to go on a fun and creative journey while learning about acrylic painting and maybe even start your own Taste Art Prize entry you definitely shouldn’t give this opportunity a miss.
For more Information on the art workshop, the Taste Coleambally - Food and Farm Festival or the 2016 Taste Art prize, which is sponsored by Western Riverina Arts, please go to
To check out Linda Macaulay’s work simply visit
And don’t forget: creativity is contagious…go and pass it on!
This project is supported by Arts NSW’s Country Arts Support Program, a devolved funding program administered by Regional Arts NSW and Western Riverina Arts on behalf of the NSW Government. More information on