SunRice Festival Art and Dance — Western Riverina Arts

SunRice Festival Art and Dance

The Rice Festival is fast approaching, it is being held over Easter 2016.

Once again we will be featuring the Rice Art competition that proved very popular in 2014.     2016 will be even bigger and better with even bigger cash prizes.

The adult prize for an adult entry is now a big $500 with $200 second and $100 third.
entry forms are available at the visitors centre. Completed work should also be left at the visitors centre. Art work should have name and contact details on the back of the art work. Entry fee for adults is $5 per entry. a Maximum of four entries per person. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES SATURDAY 12TH MARCH

There will be two sections for children High school and primary school each with their own prizes.
Children’s High school has a top first prize of $100 & generous 2nd &3rd prizes
Primary school children are $40, $20 & $10.
Many local schools are participating, Children can also send in entries outside of their school ones. School entries will be collected from the schools, private entries should be taken to the tourist office and an entry form completed.

As an extra this festival, SunRice is donating each school that enters, a 25 KG bag of rice grit, this is a course ground rice that can be used together with whole grains to give even more detailed works of art. All entries must contain at least 10% of rice in some form or another. whole grains, ground rice, rice cakes, or the rice plants themselves. Some of last years entries are attached to give you an idea of the many ways to use rice as part of your entry. For an information sheet on how to colour the rice,type of glue that works best etc ring Dave Boyd 69534272.

Dave Boyd the co-ordinator for this event again, will be contacting all the schools in the area to explain the various ways that rice can be used in the art work. The competition is open to all residents of the Leeton Shire, including of course our arts groups. For full details and entry forms Dave can be contacted by phone or email. 69534272,  0428922940 or

Another sure fire family activity this year will be a Bush Dance at the Soldiers Club on Thursday 24th March from 7 pm till 10 pm. (No school next day being Good Friday) This was a huge success at our Centenary Celebrations. It was great to see grandparents up dancing with the grand kids, or just sitting and singing along with the toe tapping music. Can't dance? that's no problems with Bush Dancing. The caller walks every one through the dance, then calls it. getting it wrong sometimes, is no problem, it only adds to the fun. Tickets at the door, $10 age 16 upwards, 6 to 15 $5 and under 6 Free. To book a table of 6 or more ring Dave Boyd 69534272.

Ray Koppe Young Writers' Residency

Looking Forward, Looking Back