$19,405 for Western Riverina art

Acting Premier and Minister for the Arts Troy Grant has announced the NSW Government will provide nearly $20,000 to support country arts projects throughout the Western Riverina in 2015.

“These projects celebrate local arts and culture, and build community spirit by encouraging people to participate in and create art.

“They provide wonderful opportunities for people of all ages to learn new skills and experience the joys of art first-hand,” Mr Grant said.

The Country Arts Support Program (CASP) is an Arts NSW devolved funding program administered by Regional Arts NSW on behalf of the NSW Government.

CASP provides small grants to arts and community organisations in regional NSW for short term, locally initiated projects. It is designed to primarily cover professional artist's fees and expenses such as travel and accommodation.

In Griffith the Police Citizens Youth Club will receive $5,000 for the Spray Sessions program, which teaches young people graffiti-style art skills. Classes will include sketching, virtual design on iPads and spray can technique. The 16-week project includes a professional artist delivering four workshops and finishes with the creation of a mural at the local skate park and an exhibition at the regional gallery.

In Narrandera The Cad Factory will receive $5,000 towards the project On Common Ground, a community-driven, site-specific exploration of innovative contemporary textile practices and traditional textile crafts of the region with a focus on their interaction with the land and environment. This interdisciplinary collaboration will respond to local agriculture and manufacturing industries. 

In Leeton the Riverina Community College will receive $5,000 towards a series of workshops with local artist Louise Cooper. Ms Cooper will teach local young people simple crafts, marketing and event management skills to produce small craft goods. The project will culminate in the development of a showcasing market to launch products and services to both local and worldwide audiences. The event will take place during National Youth Week 2015. 

In Wamoon the parents and citizens committee of the public school will receive $4,405 toward the Wamoon Centenary Artist in Residence Program: Putting Wamoon Back on the Map! There will be a series of creative community development workshops and activities run by local artist, Louise Cooper, for Wamoon primary school students and the community as part of the Wamoon Centenary celebrations in 2015. Activities will include painting a mural wall, making heritage costumes, an exhibition, and recording memoirs for publication in the Wamoon Centenary Book. 

Western Riverina Arts played a role in shortlisting of these projects and recommending them for CASP funding. As the peak body for arts and cultural development across the Western Riverina, our region covers the Local Government Areas of Narrandera, Leeton and Griffith.

Our objective is to connect artists, communities and councils to foster a vibrant and creative region. Western Riverina Arts is a member of Regional Arts NSW and is supported by the NSW Government through Arts NSW.

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